CAM350® Macro for Private Use
Since many of our CAM350® users write their own custom Macro-Scripts to work with CAM350, DownStream encourages communication and sharing of those scripts among the community. At the same time we understand the inherent danger in sharing software and ask all users to read the disclaimer below.
Disclaimer and Usage Release
This website has been created so that CAM350 users can submit, download and share CAM350 macros with each other. Many of the CAM350 macros on this website have been provided by third parties. DownStream Technologies, LLC, disclaims any responsibility for or liability related to the CAM350 macros on this website.
The CAM350 macros on this website are provided by DownStream Technologies, LLC, “as is” and “with all faults.” DownStream Technologies, LLC, makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the CAM350 macros provided on this website, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
Note: There are inherent dangers in the use of any software available for download on the Internet, and DownStream Technologies, LLC, cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the potential risks before downloading any of the CAM350 macros on this website. DownStream Technologies, LLC, will not be liable for any damages that you may suffer in connection with downloading, using, modifying or distributing any of the CAM350 macros on this website.