CAM350® automates the PCB CAM engineering department by analyzing, preparing and optimizing the PCB design files for fabrication. The solution effectively manages each operation to prepare for high-volume production and offers robust functionality including:
Export Gerber (274D, 274X, Fire9000, Barco, DPF), NC Drill & Mill (Excellon, Sieb & Meyer), IPC-D-350, Netlists (all proprietary netlists, IPC-D-356 & 356A)
Make Edits, Additions and Changes
Draw-to-Custom, Draw-to-Flash, and Draw-to-Raster Polygon Conversion, Netlist Extraction, Silkscreen Clipping, Redundant Pad and Data Removal and Teardropping.
Design Rule Check (DRC)
Spacing Checks, Annular Ring Checks, Spacing Histogram, Copper Area Calculation, Layer Compare, Net Check.
Stream Rules Editor
Provides ability to define DFF, DFA and DRC Rules check schemes for reuse across multiple printed circuit board designs. Also supports the capability of executing different analysis in special areas such as BGA or Wire Bond, and running a standard analysis on the rest of the design.
Basic NC Editor
Used for working with NC-Drill and NC-Mill data. Importing, exporting, and creation capabilities are included. Minor editing is also included for the purposes of changing drill tool definitions, adding basic mill paths to assembly panels, and changing or working with break tabs.
Fast Array
Automates the sub-panel process. Allows for the creation of panel templates, which can be used and stored for reuse. Populate panels in either an automatic stepping mode or use spreadsheet mode for total control. Does not allow the use of symbols.
ODB++ Import
Import the Mentor/Valor ODB++ design exchange format.
IPC2581 Import
Import the IPC2581 design exchange format.
DXF Interface
Bi-directional DXF support for CAM350. Handles filled solids, true text, blocks, nested blocks, builds aperture table automatically, and more.
Crossprobing Interface
Dynamic link allowing allowing the coordinated viewing of a CAM350 fabrication database with the corresponding Cadence Allegro, Mentor PADS, or Mentor Expedition design database.
Automation Toolkit (including Macro Debugger)
Debugger for Macro Script development. Set watch points and intelligent break points, analyze variables, etc.
DFM (Basic & Advanced)
Basic Design For Manufactring (DFM) – Searches your design for Acid Traps, Copper Slivers, and Soldermask Slivers. Automatically repairs manufacturability problems such as acid traps, copper slivers, mask slivers, starved thermals, and solder bridging due to mask coverage. Data formats supported by Basic DFM include Gerber, as well as intelligient formats ODB++, IPC2581 and PADS ASCII. Advanced Design For Manufacturing (ADFM) – Intelligent DFM Checks for different CAD Data Types. Examples of CAD data types include pin types (Through, SMD, Pressfit), via types (Through, SMD, Blind, Buried, Laser and Thieving), hole types (Through, Blind, Buried, Laser, Back Drill, and Dual Drill). Further, ICT Test Point status is assigned to pins and vias. Intelligent data formats supported include including IPC-2581, ODB++ and PADS ASCII formats.
ODB++ Export
Export the Valor ODB++ exchange format. This offers increased compatibility with various Fabrication houses.
IPC2581 Export
Export the IPC2581 exchange format. This offers increased compatibility with various EDA tools and Assembly & Fabrication houses.
Design Analyzer
Analyzes design and creates a design report for fabrication quoting and design qualification.
Panel Editor
Automates the full panelization process. Allows for creation of panel templates, intelligent coupons, pinning holes, fiducials, and title blocks. Populate panels in either an automatic stepping mode or use a spreadsheet for total control. Venting and thieving are fully automated as well, processing multiple layers in either a positive or negative polarity with user defined patterns.
Advanced NC Editor
Advanced editing environment automates fabrication efforts involving milling and drilling of printed circuit boards and panels. NOTE: Requires the purchase of the Basic NC Editor module if the configuration to which the Advanced NC Editor module is being added does not already include the Basic NC Editor module.
Reverse Engineering
A feature unique to FabFactory and CAM350, Reverse Engineering allows you to start with non-intelligent Gerber data and work it back in to an intelligent format a CAD system will understand. Items that are supported included Netlist information, Part information with RefDes, as well as some Attribute data. Please check with your sales representative as to which CAD interfaces support Attributes.
Flying Probe Editor
Generate flying (moving) probe test information in a snap using our fully integrated Flying Probe Editor. Supports many industry tester formats.
Bed of Nails Editor
Clamshell testing made simple using a fully integrated Bed-of-Nails Editor. Supports many industry test formats.
3D PDF Export
Enables the exporting of CAM350 views in 3D PDF format
Camtek AOI
Allows CAM350 to export to Camtek AOI equipment. Generate files for download to AOI machines, mask out unwanted areas, and Choose Alignment pins.
PADS CAD Interface-Import
Imports PADS PCB design tool databases into CAM350.
GENCAD Interface-Import
Imports databases in the GENCAD assembly format into CAM350
PADS CAD Interface-Export
Exports PADS PCB design tool databases from CAM350.
GENCAD Interface-Export
Exports databases in the GENCAD assembly format from CAM350.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse Engineering Bundle – Contains the CAM350 modules necessary for converting Gerber files (IPC274D, IPC274X) into a CAM file as well as to PADS PCB design tool database format, and for verifying the data.