CAM350/DFMStream 15 and BluePrint-PCB 7
May 28, 2024 – DownStream 15.0 and 7.0 Build 2068
Complete the form below to proceed with the maintenance contract validation process. Enter a hostID or a registration number – not both. If the HostID or registration number entered returns a current maintenance contract you will arrive at the software download page.
Note: All product users with a current maintenance contract as of September 1, 2023 are eligible to download.
Validate Your Maintenance Contract
Input your information: Validation requires a valid registration number or hostID.
If you are using CAM350 with a USB dongle as a hostID, go to Home > Options > License Usage to locate your hostID.
If you do not know your registration number or hostID, they are present in the product license file in use. By default, the license file is located in the C:\DownStreamTech\LicenseManager folder and titled as license.dat. Open the license file in any text editor to obtain the information. The hostID is a 10, 12 or greater character string located on the first or second line of the license file. Examples of hostID references in a license file are shown below with the hostID highlighted in bold.
When using your Serial # or Host ID, please include the dashes (Ex: 010-999-0307), and do NOT include the “DST=” with your number.
SERVER MY-PC-NAME VMW_UUID=54EA3E42-E214-644E-1BC5-1E156150825E TCP:7102
SERVER MY-PC-NAME HPV_UUID=78BC9B65-DE0D-402E-AE45-1E901711C067 TCP:7102
The Registration number is located at the end of the license file:
Registration Number: 23456
We suggest you open the license file, copy the hostID (or registration) string, and paste the string into the corresponding fields below. Manual entry of the hostID string requires the entire string (in bold above) be entered or the validation will fail.
Note: The hostID string can be entered in upper or lower case characters.
If you require further assistance locating your hostID or registration number e-mail license support. Please provide contact information in the e-mail.