The CAM350 Panel editor can step and repeat the design loaded to create a manufacturing panel. But this solution only works on one board at a time. To create a Panel with multiple designs, the Merge command must be used.
The Merge command is under FILE | MERGE in the CAM350 menu. It allows the user to load in a complete CAM350 database as a Merged Database. Merged Databases function as a single item in the editor. This allows the user to Merge in multiple CAM350 databases and arrange them as desired using the Edit menu commands.
CAM350 Database Preparation
As a Merged database is treated as a single unit, it is best that everything concerned with that database be complete. Proper preparation will make the merge process easy and help avoid common mistakes.
After loading your database, make sure all the layer types are properly labeled. With Gerber data you will typically have graphic layers. Using TABLES | LAYERS change the layer type as appropriate. Properly labeled layer types will make layer identification easier during the layer mapping step of merge.
Note that Part and Net database intelligence will not be merged. It is recommended these be exploded (if present) prior to saving. Part and Net info can prevent exploding custom apertures, discussed below. If your data came from Gerber or DXF then there is no Part or Net data present. But for ODB++ and other intelligent formats, it is a concern.
- Turn on all layers
- Select all
- OK
- Select all
- OK
Merge will use all data in the database, so it is important to remove data you do not want on your panel. This includes data outside the panel edge such as text or logos as well as graphic layers that are not part of the final board.
- Use Edit | Delete, remove the unnecessary data from a layer.
- Use EDIT | LAYERS | REMOVE LAYERS to remove extra layers.
Some data needed for the panel may not be part of your initial database. This is common with NC Mill data for example and to a lesser extent NC Drill data. Make sure to run Gerber To Mill and Gerber To Drill as needed to produce the layers you want in your merge database.
Custom apertures are a problem for the Merge process. CAM350 assumes Custom apertures of the same name have the same definition. But this may not be the case. It is recommended that all Custom Apertures be exploded for your Merge database.
- Turn on All Layers
- Select all
- Answer “No” to the Vector fill question
- OK
It is recommended that the layers be arranged by number using some kind of consistent system. This is especially true if the layer names are not very descriptive or if you have a large number of the same type of layer. Using the NAV Pane to drag and drop you can re-arrange the order of the layers. Right click to select “renumber all layers” once you are finished. You can also use EDIT | LAYERS | REORDER to do this.
Once database is fully prepped, use FILE | SAVE or SAVE AS to create a CAM350 database.
Merge process
By default merged databases are displayed as an outline. This is useful while arranging the databases, but most users prefer to see all the data in the merge database at all times. You can use SETTINGS | VIEW OPTIONS to check the “View Merged Databases” box in order to see all merge data in the CAM editor.
This screen controls where the incoming layers will end up. Data on the left (in grey) is info about the incoming layers. On the right is the destination layer. [New Layer] will create a new layer and send the merge data to that layer. If layers were arranged in the same order in merge database, then you can select the “By Num” button on the bottom left. By default layers will map to the same type.
If there are multiple layers of the same type, CAM350 sets mapping to [New Layer]. The user must correct this prior to completing merge. Using the pull down the user can select which layers the merge layers should get mapped to. In the above example the incoming database has 2 Neg Planes that Cam350 has set to [New Layer].
If the type in question does not exist then it goes to a new layer. NC data is always set to a new layer. When pointing it to an existing layer, make sure that layer is a NC layer.
Once mapping is set, select OK. Click in the location in the CAM window where you want the database to be initially placed. Do not worry about accuracy in this case as you can move items around in the edit step. Just place items in the general location you will want them.
Merge Messages
When loading a merged database that has already been merged:
This is just a warning. By merging in a new copy you have to go through layer mapping again. A more efficient way of getting an extra copy of a board is to use Edit | Copy on the merged database.
When an electrical layer going to a new layer:
This is fine if you are merging into a blank database. But if you are tying to merge 2 databases into a panel then you need to go back and fix the layer mapping.
When caps (custom apertures) of the same name are detected:
A waning like this will not appear if all custom apertures (caps) in the merge database were exploded. If it does appear then the incoming caps of the same name as existing ones will be assumed to have the same definition. If they are different then the caps in the merged database will be changed. But if you are sure the caps are the same then this error can be ignored.
Edit commands on merge data
All standard edit functions in CAM350 will work on Merge data as a single unit. So if you use Edit | Move and click on any part of a merge database, the whole database is selected. Using Merge, arrange items as you like. Using the Move command with the coordinate box, you can move selected data to a precise location.
Editing elements of merged data is possible, but not recommend. Such edits should be done prior to saving the merge database. But by using Edit | Change | Explode | Merged Data and selecting it, you can change merged data into Standard CAM350 data. This cannot be undone, so if you want to move the database after explode you’ll have to use windowing selection.
As mentioned before you can use Edit | Copy to create extra copies of a merged database. The Mirror command also works, but it does not change layer mapping, so it will not work to flip the board front to back side. If that is a desired, merge in a new copy of the board and map the layers as desired.
Panelization of merged data
Once your merged databases are arranged as desired, the resulting data can be stepped further using the Panel Editor. But keep in mind all the data loaded in the CAM editor will be viewed as a single “board” by the Panel editor. So if you have 4 databases arranged in a group, that group would be stepped as a single database by the panel editor. This can make Venting difficult.
The best work around for this is to use Add | polygon to create any venting needed. Note that venting patterns can be created using add polygon.
Final Note
The FILE | MERGE process should not be needed for single database panels. Using features such as Edit | Spin Image and Edit | Flip you should be able to fully control how your single board is displayed for any particular circuit image.